Wednesday, April 29, 2009

What does a blue line on your palm in a dream mean?

I have heard others say that a blue line means something. Strange dream but basically I was getting my palm read.

And I had a blue line going downward in the middle. This lady palm reader says I am going to be financially successful. (can only wish)

Then I was dressed in nice clothes (still in my palm) and this man was beside my right. Turns out he was Jesus. (bit embarrassing)

Then I look down and see my sister in law. She's further down my palm.

Weird stuff. I freaked and woke up straight away.

What does a blue line on your palm in a dream mean?
Its a big dream ; the blue line is very lucky and the palm readers may have told you the truth but I know the colour blue means[ in a dream] healing and seeing Jesus mean spirituality
Reply:it means you are going to get paid for sex.
Reply:some psycologist say that we dream what we want to dream, it is us fufilling what cannot be fufilled in real life, which would explain things like "palm readers" "jesus" "and your sister in law"... perhaps there is something personal going on between you two, and in your sleep, you focus on it unconciously?

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