Saturday, November 14, 2009

What are the problems of getting some weed to relieve my mother's chronic spinal pain?

docs have put her on several medications and max strength painkillers but not morphine,my understanding is that certain types of chronic pain such as ms can only be alleviated by cannabis

as i live like a monk due to my diabetes what are the problems associated with my helping wiht this problem apart from getting beaten up by scummy drug dealers,getting palmed off wiht rubbish ,getting busted for dealing and explaining to the relatives how the old lady suddenly turned psychotic for no apparent reason;and oh yeah a possible manslaughter charge in the event of htings going really wrong-lay it all on me bro'

What are the problems of getting some weed to relieve my mother's chronic spinal pain?
Why do I get the sneaking suspicion that you are smoking the weed intended to help that poor suffering woman w/ spine pain. She's your mother for christ sake... stop smoking her medical ganja...

I only came to this conclusion because you spell like a pothead and some of the stuff you typed is kind of paranoid and delusional... you know... paranoid and delusional after smoking all your poor suffering momma's medicinal herbage.

My GOD! I am glad she isn't on morphine... you'd probably drink that **** up like it was water!

Now be a good little 15 year old and give your mom her pot back.
Reply:guess it would be unreasonable of me to expect you to realise that the druggie comment s were a pastiche of sixties hippydom-now that i am almost fifty i keep forgetting that much of my material is out of date and that the ironical references could not reasonably be


.. Report It

Reply:well it is ilegal and if you get busted you could be on cops and get thrown in jail

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