Thursday, May 20, 2010

2 new foster kittens...?

I know puppies eyes open at approx. 10-14 days. At what age does a kittens eyes open. I took in 2 of four kittens today from our shelter, the lady refused to allow the other two to come home because they had goop in their eyes adn were better off being put down, that really chapped my butt trust me, but we have these two and I can't really figure out their age. They are as small as the palm of my hand. They're yes are open, but they're ears are still closed. Any ideas?

2 new foster kittens...?
7-10 days. I adopted a pair around the same age and they're now 6 weeks and doing really well. Good luck with the little guys!

Edit: Your house sounds like mine, lol. I have 3 kittens right now, the 2 from the first litter and a straggler that came in alone. They're only a week or so apart, but the younger one is very tiny compared to them. I think he's just going to be a small cat, whereas I'm fairly certain the first pair have some Maine Coon blood in there somewhere- they are massive!

Try this link out, this is the development guide I used for my boys:

Edit2: Are the ears actually sealed off, or just folded down? The inner ear canal opens first, but the outer ears won't uncurl and start standing up until 8-14 days. Can you carefully lift up the ear and peek inside, or have a vet check it? I was positive my kittens ears were closed too, until we went to the vet and she told me they were open, just curled down, and that they were in fact 7-10 days old at the time, with their eyes fully opened as well. That really confused me too, lol!
Reply:just be sure not to touch the cat's ears cause its very sensitive! ^ ^
Reply:I wild guess here but about 3 weeks

Gta vice city mp question

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