Thursday, May 20, 2010

Do bouncers automaticly go after the smaller of two people if there is an altercation in their establishment?

I'm not a small guy at 6'1" and I am a fit person. But I was in a small dance club / night club where I saw what I thought was a professional body builder there. Since I work out too, I thought I would make small chat, ask about where he works out, exercise tipes, etc. I'm straight and was not being gay or anything. He was looking pretty pumped up and buff so I knew;that lifting weights was a major part of his life and I thought it a basis for conversation.

Well anyway, I was just,making small talk when he started to take interest in a lady he wanted to approach. Then from out of nowhere, he turned and slammed his palm with all his weight behind it into the middle of my chest which knocked me back and down. I was totally surprised by this assault as I had said nothing provacative or insulting to the guy and was just being friendly. I think he felt the need to show off. Actually, I think he was on steroids because this was VERY aggressive and uncalled for behavior.

Do bouncers automaticly go after the smaller of two people if there is an altercation in their establishment?
No, we don't go for the little guy. In fact I like to humiliate the big muscle heads by making an example out of them. However you have to remember that when you are in a club or such it is not legally in "public" since it is privately owned and with private security. Chances are that this roid freak and the bouncers were buddies if not more intimate. Think about this..... Nice built guys don't go to clubs to find and chat with other nice built guys.......
Reply:What a freak.

If I'd been there, that action would've attracted me to you.
Reply:I think they would go after the smaller of the two to protect them first.

and the big guy.. he just lifts weights to make up for his small peener. -=)

I live in Schaumburg and I do NOT fit your description of anyone who lives in the burbs.
Reply:no the bouncer should approach the person they think they can reason with the most. to difuse the situation since if they have one reasonable person they can have a better chance on securing the second. I taught my bouncers to talk and walk if at all possible talk to the people and as you talk to one start to intercept them from the other person and start walking away with them do not touch them physically unless they have to as no one likes to be pushed shoved or dragged and will only fight harder to tha affect.
Reply:i was a bouncer for 7 years. if an altercation broke out, i typically went for the biggest guy involved first, once you take that guy out the others are more then willing to give up quietly.
Reply:No, they usually go for the instigator, if you appeared to be fighting back, I guess at the moment they looked at you, they might have found you as the problem.

But that was a completely brual and uncalled for attack. I would have made sure everyone around me saw what kind of person this guy thinks he is. (including the lady he'd taken interest in)

I'm just trying to imagine what kind of throughts would have been running through his mind for him to just attack you?
Reply:The bouncer may have been acting as a bodyguard. He may have been whisking you out of there for your own safety, rather than as a punishment. Once they get the put-upon party to safety, they can then deal with the aggressor.

One other possibility is that the bouncer could have thought you did say something to set 'roid boy off, but I think my first instinct is right.

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