Saturday, May 22, 2010

Ladies 32 weeks plus... does this happen to you?

I started noticing this at 32 weeks... my doctor said it was because of decreased blood circulation due to carrying a baby.

If I take a really deep breathe then exhale the palms of my hands get that pins-and-needles sensation, like how it feels when your foot falls asleep or something. It doesn't always happen but I'd say 90% of the time and as I get closer (36 weeks now) it's more and more.

Not annoying, just weird... has anyone else had this happen?

Ladies 32 weeks plus... does this happen to you?
Your doctor is right. Your circulatory system has expanded so much that there isn't enough blood to fill every point of it at any particular time. (If there is a lot in your lungs, there isn't a lot in your extremities). It's totally normal.

I had it to the point where I would pass out.
Reply:It doesn't happen to me when I take deep breaths but I get that pins and needles feeling in my hands and feet quite frequently now (I'm 34 weeks). It is just strange but it goes away so I don't worry about it =0)
Reply:Oh wow, I get this almost every night. I wake up and my hands and arms feel like they have pins and needles in them!
Reply:Yes, mine started at 22 weeks and lasted up until I had my son 3 weeks ago. It was the strangest feeling. My doctor said the same thing. For me it happened when I slept too, that was annoying because I'd wake up and both hands would have the needle feeling and be asleep. I hated that. It will all be over for you soon. Good luck and congrats!
Reply:I remember this happening to me with my first daughter
Reply:I didn't feel that way, but it is very normal to.
Reply:every once in a while the palms of my hands and bottoms of my feet will get reeeeeally reeeeeally itchy and tingly.

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