Sunday, May 16, 2010

Ladies: What's the deal with her and am I the bad guy here?

Here's the deal: Went out with an attractive girl that we had lots in common with. She did the following and ladies I want you to tell me the meaning of these actions She extended her arms out toward me with her palms up, not touching mine, she kept crossing her legs and leaning over. She kept playing with her boot. She told me she didnt' have socks on under her boots, she gave me sips of her drinks several times, she also invited me to see the house she was going to be until she realized it was getting late. We were out until a little after midnight during the work week.

I flirted with her, held her hand for a little bit before s, and told her that I could tell that she was into yoga and loved to cook. Both were true. She seemed amazed. She also seemed red and was smiling alot and at one point rested her chin on her palm while she laughed at things I said that weren't even meant to be funny. I asked her out again, and she said "I'd love to" with this face like "aww, isn't that cute.

3 days ago

Additional Details

3 days ago

When I put my hand in hers, she held it, but seemed confused then I asked her if she minded it, she stared at her menu and said no, then she pulled it away after about 5 seconds.

Also, I have called her a total of 5 times in those three weeks and I never plan to ever again.

A year later (Christmas eve), I found her profile by accident on another website.

So I said hi and she pretty much said

"It's nice to 'see' you again and asked me if I still worked where I did (how did she remember)?

I asked her out to dinner again, is that wrong or do you think she's still interested.

6 hours ago - 3 days left to answer.

Additional Details

6 hours ago

UPDATE: After I had left her an email and just asked what happened. i thought she was interested and what it was I did exactly that had put her off.

She responded that she was extremely busy in general and felt I gave her no time to get back to me and thought it was too early to make it an issue at the time so she moved on.

She's the one that wanted to see me again that next weekend, I didn't have to chase her because I look foolish.

Did I do something wrong or is she a tease? Not enough time, it's been a year.

Ladies: What's the deal with her and am I the bad guy here?
I can only say my opinion here based on what I read [the information you provided above].Anyway...I know she's interested in you,in the first place she will not go out with you if she's not.But she maybe don't want to attach herself for some reason YET still want you to wait and expect for her.Your time and feeling deserves to be respected and valued.I'm sorry to hear that her action confuses you but yeah who will not be by the way as to how she responds.

You did nothing wrong and i guess you already take effort on showing your interest on her.Anyone has no right to play with our feeling so I wish you'll find someone much better than her.

Happy New Year!
Reply:Thank you Report It

Reply:I think shes is only half interested and you havent done anything wrong. You win some you lose some, just do as you have done before, chase a little, and if you get no response then forget about her
Reply:WOW i think its time to move on. If she is interested like she says she is she will come to you. Make it so u r harder to get and if she really wants u she will have to prove it. Ur not making a fool of yrself but to prevent becoming one let her come to you. She may have already moved on and is being nice because maybe she isnt interested in that sort of relationship but doesnt want to hurt u. Or maybe she just isnt ready for that sort of thing. This response is just based off of wat u have told me, but my final answer is be nice to her but also seem neutral between friends and boyfriend/girlfriend relationship. There is probably a girl who will b better 4 u out there n e ways.
Reply:I believe everything you did was just fine. She might be a tease. Or you sitll might have a chance with her.
Reply:I would not want to go out with someone who analyzes a situation to death. Jeeze, give it a rest, man! You go out to have fun, not to become the next Dr. Freud. If, in the course of having fun, you luck into a serious relationship, then perhaps it's time to find out what brand of toothpaste they use. But until then, jeeze!
Reply:Very was very hard to follow exactly what happened...but move's been a year...if it was meant to work out, it would have by now. It doesn't sound like either one of you are "right" or "wrong"...there was just no connection.

To good for you.

To many mixed messages.

You are very clear in your actions.

Though harsh (sorry) she is playing you, with many excuses and stories.

My opinion, move on.

Actions speak louder than words.

Good Luck (It is hard out there) x
Reply:Actions speak louder than words my friend.

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