Sunday, May 16, 2010

Ladies: What's the deal with her and why am I the bad guy here?

Ladies: What's the deal with her?

Ladies: What's the deal with her?

Here's the deal: Went out with an attractive girl that we had lots in common with. She did the following and ladies I want you to tell me the meaning of these actions She extended her arms out toward me with her palms up, not touching mine, she kept crossing her legs and leaning over. She kept playing with her boot. She told me she didnt' have socks on under her boots, she gave me sips of her drinks several times, she also invited me to see the house she was going to be until she realized it was getting late. We were out until a little after midnight during the work week.

I flirted with her, held her hand for a little bit before s, and told her that I could tell that she was into yoga and loved to cook. Both were true. She seemed amazed. She also seemed red and was smiling alot and at one point rested her chin on her palm while she laughed at things I said that weren't even meant to be funny. I asked her out again, and she said "I'd love to" with this face like "aww, isn't that cute.

3 days ago

Additional Details

3 days ago

When I put my hand in hers, she held it, but seemed confused then I asked her if she minded it, she stared at her menu and said no, then she pulled it away after about 5 seconds.

Also, I have called her a total of 5 times in those three weeks and I never plan to ever again.

A year later (Christmas eve), I found her profile by accident on another website.

So I said hi and she pretty much said

"It's nice to 'see' you again and asked me if I still worked where I did (how did she remember)?

I asked her out to dinner again, is that wrong or do you think she's still interested.

Ladies: What's the deal with her and why am I the bad guy here?
Yeh there was some chemistry, females often flirt with males whom we feel there is an initial attraction to. SHE DEFINITELY CONSIDERED TAPPING YOU.

You got the 'too eager' syndrome. Women like a man who cares about her but is not too clingy. When you put your hand on hers. Just leave it there, she moved it away not because she didn't like it, it was because you pointed it out and it made it awkward. She definitely liked you or she WOULDN'T have gone to dinner with you that day OR HELD YOUR HAND. Next time, just do it subtly and don't verbalize it.

ONLY EVER call a female 2 times max. Anything over that signals desperate to us and NO ONE wants man-clinger. You probably scared her a little. She is distancing herself because you are getting too close too quickly.

When she replied to your message she obviously remembers details about you. So it shows she still cares to ask. You shouldn't ask her to dinner that early. Talk to her a little more and warm up the emotions again and then hint at dinner for a while as to go at the small talk, then ask her out. By whamming the 'DINNER' sign in her face again may cause her to back off.

She is playing hard to get with you, and instead of 'chasing' her you slapped over a guilt email asking her what went wrong when nothing did. DON'T EVER doubt yourself. YOU HAVE GAME. If you didn't she wouldn't have gone out with you.

She WAS actually busy. She likes you. She isn't teasing. If she asks you out it proves that she likes you.

Women think a lot, I assume she is perusing a career, sometimes we have trouble balancing things out, career oriented women often put their relationship on hold when they know it is a sure thing. She may not have been ready for a relationship then, but she is now. USE the opportunity.

Good luck.

And your body language reading skills are superb. :) Kudos.

Women in general enjoy mind games. But most of us are monogamous. So we are trustworthy :)

my rodents

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