Thursday, May 20, 2010

Mean Kitty?

Im not a crazy cat lady, but i Love my cat more than myself.. My cat is like my child im extremly attached to him because he helped me fight my severe depression.. i watched him grow from the time that he fit in ONE PALM, but now i have to carry his big health self with two arms.. I LOVE MY CAT SO MUCH.. i love being with him, and im the kind of person that is amazed by life in little creatures and life overall.. Lately my cat has been really mean to me.. He has scratched me a lot and even bit me. i never even get to see him because my new school takes a lot of time but when im with him it's like he HATES me.. what do i do? and why does he hate me all of a sudden? im the only one that's ever practically treated him like royalty

Mean Kitty?
I know how you feel, my cat did that to me.

She ended up running away pregnant because I never gave her any space.

Try playing with your cat regularly and feed her a few times a day (Don't forget to lay out a nice fresh bowl of water for her)

I know you love her, but sometimes cats just want to be alone for a while.

Cat's Love the house to them selves to rome around in and explore in, but don't leave a cat home alone for too long without food or freedom.

Let your cat go outside whenever she wants. Cats loove bing outside, but make sure she has a good collar on that bhas an elastic on it. (It's best to just get a cat flap)

Best of luck, :o]

Reply:Your cat doesnt hate you, he is just upset that you arn't around much anymore. Try and take some special time out everyday for play and special attention.
Reply:seperation anxiety...he is acting out toward you because you are gone so much now. He is just mad and will be fine. I have a dog that does the same thing. They just have to adjust to the new lifestyle. Be patient! Show lots of love until she has a change of mind.
Reply:I had this problem. Stop treating him like "royalty". Cats are snobby, but pretty soon he will want some attention!

Good luck!
Reply:How old is your baby? I noticed that once my cat got older he got a bit more cranky and a bit less tolerant. If he gets mad enough at me and I don't get the hint he'll scratch me or bite me. I'm pretty sure it's cuz my cat is 11 (that's 65 years old in human years)

He's my baby and I've had him since he was about 3 weeks old.

Cats are just like that =^.^=
Reply:He doesn't hate you.

My cat scratches me my mum and my boyfriend (and ouch it hurts so bad) But she also comes to us for the most pats and feels the most comfortable around us (lays on her back with her belly exposed)

I think she might be angry with the routine change? Or just playing. Give her lots of love.

Good luck.
Reply:Cats, unlike dogs, are solitary creatures.

He may be feeling smothered by all your attention and neediness. Give him some space!

Also, you might want to check out if he has an injury, abdominal pain, or some ailment that is causing him discomfort when you pet or hold him.

A check-up at the vet's might be in order.

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