Sunday, May 16, 2010

Ladies; What is the deal with her and did I DO something wrong?

Here's the deal: Went out with an attractive girl that we had lots in common with. She did the following and ladies I want you to tell me the meaning of these actions She extended her arms out toward me with her palms up, not touching mine, she kept crossing her legs and leaning over. She kept playing with her boot. She told me she didnt' have socks on under her boots, she gave me sips of her drinks several times, she also invited me to see the house she was going to be until she realized it was getting late. We were out until a little after midnight during the work week.

I flirted with her, held her hand for a little bit before s, and told her that I could tell that she was into yoga and loved to cook. Both were true. She seemed amazed. She also seemed red and was smiling alot and at one point rested her chin on her palm while she laughed at things I said that weren't even meant to be funny. I asked her out again, and she said "I'd love to" with this face like "aww, isn't that cute.

3 days ago

Additional Details

3 days ago

When I put my hand in hers, she held it, but seemed confused then I asked her if she minded it, she stared at her menu and said no, then she pulled it away after about 5 seconds.

Also, I have called her a total of 5 times in those three weeks and I never plan to ever again.

A year later (Christmas eve), I found her profile by accident on another website.

So I said hi and she pretty much said

"It's nice to 'see' you again and asked me if I still worked where I did (how did she remember)?

I asked her out to dinner again, is that wrong or do you think she's still interested.

26 minutes ago - 3 days left to answer.

Additional Details

12 minutes ago

UPDATE: After I had left her an email and just asked what happened. i thought she was interested and what it was I did exactly that had put her off.

She responded that she was extremely busy in general and felt I gave her no time to get back to me and thought it was too early to make it an issue at the time so she moved on.

She's the one that wanted to see me again that next weekend, I didn't have to chase her because I look foolish.

Did I do something wrong or is she a tease? Not enough time, it's been a year.

Ladies; What is the deal with her and did I DO something wrong? be sound ridiculously obsessed and I would be completely weirded out by that. You read WAY too much into everything. What does her playing with her boot have to do with a possible relationship?? She wore uncomfortable shoes. That's it. As far as her being interested...maybe she was, but you called too much or were too annoying and clingy and she was turned off by it. You need to chill. Good luck in the future.

Don't get all defensive. You wanted an answer...I gave you one. Maybe you were too damn whiny and she wanted a real man.
Reply:**bites you hard** cause i agree with Gemini Report It

Reply:Sometimes we women do fidgety things when we're nervous or uncomfortable. It sounds like she was a bit uneasy for some reason. Maybe she thought you were nice but it didn't quite "click" for her. She probably could tell you were in to her and didn't want to hurt your feelings.
Reply:I'd pretty much say she's a tease.
Reply:It sounds like she liked you, was flirting. Maybe the hand holding was too soon. Maybe something happened to make her change her mind. But it's been a year! Quit obsessing about it %26amp; move on!
Reply:Well at the being mabey she really liked you with all of that flirting and stuff. But mabey later she could had met some one else. This happened to me once i like a guy then i met another one and I pretty much did not like the first guy. This is just what girls do so, you go and find another girl and GOOD LUCK!
Reply:Probably a communication breakdown going on here, talk to her so the both of you can straighten things out.

Gestures and actions aren't always 100% aaccurate in figuring out what a person is thinking.
Reply:woah!confusing,idk with this girl..she either really likes you...or is a tease,idk it's to complicated

please move on.

She has, doesn't seem as though she wants to pursue this.

Plenty of other fish in the sea.

Date a little more, see some new prospects.

Maybe try speed dating??
Reply:You didn't do anything wrong. You were sweet to her, and she treated you wrong. It probably has been enough time by now, I mean it shouldn't take any person a year to think about anything, unless it's like a life decision or something like that. If she said she was busy she usually doesn't want to see you again. You sound like a good guy. I don't think there was anything wrong with what you did. You'll find a girl that treats you right eventually. Good luck. :)

Reply:definatly sounds like a tease to me

how much time did she wants 10years???
Reply:Sounds like she's a tease....not to mention, a little weird. I'm sorry, but stop wasting your time with someone who apparently isn't ready for any relationship! Lots more girls out there who would be happy to be "clear" with you! Go out and have fun....stop worrying about this one "odd" relationship.
Reply:you did nothing wrong what so ever... it is the girl... and i think she was drunk that night or something, maybe she was on something because she did not sound normal... i suggest you stay away from her bad things could happen... i also think that she might have some problems with her brain... not in a mean way, in a serious way i am saying this, it is like she says something then forgets it or doesnt always understand what you said.
Reply:that's really odd. maybe she has trust issues. maybe she doesn't want to go to fast...even though you weren't maybe she thought you were. maybe she has a skin disease, like psoriasis that she doesn't want you to touch her because she's embarrased by it.
Reply:i can see all the coments saying move on but i can tell you still think about her and you dont want to so its been a year and try to start over your relationship together
Reply:When a woman, or a man, wants to be with you, they find a way to do it. She's not that into you. She sounds a little kooky. But so do you.
Reply:Well, I'm girl and I think you are looking into this waaaaay too much! They're just....normal actions, no secret body language! Sorry. :)
Reply:she's crazy as hell
Reply:sounds like you were just something to cure her boredom. let her go. she's not worth your effort
Reply:she sounds like a very strange girl...move on buddy.


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